While procrastinating from my work on Facebook, I came
across an intriguing article that has now circulated around Colgate (at least
in my limited circles). This highly talked about article, “The War on Men,” was
posted on the Fox News website by Suzanne Venker. If you don’t have time to
read the entire article I’ll offer a short synopsis: Venker claims that fewer
men are marriage material because feminism has emasculated men by denying men
their biological need to be breadwinners. In a nutshell, feminism endangers
men, women, family structures, and American society at large. Women need to
return to their place in society (the home) and stop taking away opportunities
from men in order to be marriage material. Whew, that’s a lot to take in. Here
is my composed response…
I could pick apart every one of Venker’s claims and present
contrary data or opinions, but I found that analyzing her first claim took
enough time out of my day. So, I will mainly focus on her interpretation of how
many women and men prioritize marriage. Venker starts off by citing research done by the Pew Research Center that shows more women but fewer men want to get
married these days. However, when you look at the data that is only one way of
interpreting it. The questions asked whether having a “successful” marriage is
one of the most important aspects of their lives. 37% of women believe it is,
whereas 29% of men believe it is.
However, when one actually does one’s research and looks into the full survey,
the data show that 66% of young women (ages 18 to 34) say that having a career
is one of the most important things in their lives whereas only 59% of men said
a career was high priority. For both sexes, being a good parent and having a
successful marriage rank higher than a successful career. Thus, women are
simply striving (not asking) for more. They want a good career, successful
marriage, and to be a good parents and they are doing something about it. Women
make up almost half of the work force (46.7%) and have higher rates of enrollment
and completion of college (44% of women and 38% of men between the ages of 18
to 24). There is something very wrong with the fact that having aspirations
make woman unmarriageable. I wouldn’t want to marry someone either who kept me
from achieving my goals or didn’t love me because of them (which has the
unmistakable likeness of domestic abuse).
Luckily, most of the population doesn’t seem to agree with
Venker’s argument or logic. What Venker fails to mention is that 73% of the
general public today believes that society has benefited from women
participating in the workforce. Furthermore, 62% of the public believe an
egalitarian relationship in which the husband and wife (note the heterosexual
privilege) share not only the responsibilities of work but also childrearing is
more satisfying than the traditional husband as the breadwinner relationship.
The public hasn’t come to a consensus on how this change in the family
structure impacts children.
In conclusion, I mostly see benefits from this article
becoming viral. Most of the people I have talked to about this article have
been outraged and are talking about it. But more importantly, this article
reminded those who don’t talk feminism 24/7 that sexism is still very alive and
well in our society. So I challenge you
to keep the conversation going. Go out and have a conversation about this topic
to someone who might not otherwise think about these issues. Apathy won’t get
us anywhere. This article is just the spark we need to get people moving.
- Michelle Van Veen '14
Good work and wise words Michelle! I cant believe the irony that she makes her living by working yet tells other women to get out of the workforce. WHAT?! Positive sexuality encompasses equality, so CAPS is right there with you!