Thursday, February 21, 2013

2/19/13: Colgate's Bias-Related Incident Policy

The Brown Bag on 2/19/13 was about Colgate’s Bias-Related Incident Policy. The purpose of this brown bag was to inform the student body of the new rules and regulations regarding reporting and dealing with bias incidents on campus. The Associate Dean of Conduct, Kim Taylor, and Associate Provost for Equity and Diversity and Professor, Marilyn Rugg were at hand to discuss these new changes. In terms of complaints of discriminatory harassment and bias-related conduct, one should know that:
  •  The use of alcohol and drugs is not an excuse or defense to an allegation of a violation of this policy
  • This policy also applies to off-campus residences and spaces when these incidents impact the campus environment
  •  Retaliation against an individual for alleging harassment, supporting a complaint or for assisting in providing information relevant to a claim of harassment is a serious violation and will be treated as another instance of harassment or discrimination
In terms of the sexual misconduct policy, one should know that:
  •  If an instance of sexual misconduct occurs, then the person should seek medical attention, choose whether or not to report the incident, and talk with someone about all of the possible options
  • Consent is a requirement before any type of sexual contact and a person has the right to change their mind at any point in time.
  •  Once again, being under the influence is not an excuse or can be used as a defense against an allegation.
There is also an Equity Grievance Panel, which is made up of faculty who will be very supportive. If you want more information check out the video: Brown Bag

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